Friday, August 19, 2005

Quick tip for driving traffic to your blog

I really liked this idea.  It’s again about collaborating.  Cathleen Moore shared a quick tip from the Blog Business Summit (posted at


“One gem of wisdom (among many) shared is that bloggers should be active blog discussion participants. Driving traffic to your blog often occurs as a result of contributing to someone else's blog.  The process of finding what to write about can lead you to other blog sites that you can contribute to, and that is the one of the biggest drivers of traffic to your own blog.  Being involved in other people's blogs is the best way to drive traffic to your own blog.  Spend time on someone else's blog; add comments.   According to Scoble, it's all about getting on the radar screen of other influential bloggers.  "When I am in the comments of other people's blogs, they see it and appreciate what you have to say. You are on their radar screen," he said.”

Isn’t this a smart (wonderful) way of give-n-take?  You contribute first, and others follow you.  It boils down to the same principles of community collaboration.  Of course you do have the “selfish” motive behind the idea, but who doesn’t want to be famous? :p

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