Thursday, September 08, 2005

Spirit of Pairing

I am currently re-reading Stephen Covey’s classic “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”.  Each time I read it, I catch a new meaning for certain things.  This time, it is about pairing.  On page 263, explaining “Synergize”, Covey wrote:


“Synergy is everywhere in nature.  If you plant two plants close together, the roots commingle and improve the quality of the soil so that both plants will grow better than if they were separated.  If you put two pieces of wood together, they will hold much more than the total of the weight help by each separately.  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  One plus one equals three or more.  The challenge is to apply the principles of creative cooperation, which we learn from nature, in our social interactions”


I am quite amazed to note how aptly it applies to the spirit of pairing in agile methods.




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