Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Agile Mumbai Rocks



That’s the four letter word  I use to describe Mumbai Conference. 


The conference attracted interested minds in the Mumbai region to look at this *new* thing called as agile.  Though the turn out was not as expected, I still think it’s a great beginning.  We started creating awareness in users.


Great things happened over last few days.  Certainly I would post all the details in multiple posts.  This post, I dedicate to the great team work that made this conference such a hit.


I reached Mumbai on Friday, one day before the conference starts, just to offer my hand in arrangements.  As I witnessed, the success of the conference can be attributed to few people: Naresh Jain, Dhaval Dalal and the SP College enthusiastic students.  There may be many others who are involved, but I saw these guys live on the floor.  In spite of their busy schedules, and other commitments, these guys dedicated almost a whole week to this event, mostly working 12-14 hours a day.  I appreciate these boys from the bottom of my heart.


User conferences like this can *only* be successful if they are run by committed souls like these.  If you need a yard stick to measure the success of the event, talk to people who came from Chandigarh and New Delhi.  They are so fired up that we are asked to conduct similar events in their cities too.


I would also like to appreciate numerous other users and organizations, who contributed in various ways to see this conference as a successful event.  Great job guys, Keep it Up!!


Agile is here to stay.


(read more about it on my blog: http://nandury.blogspot.com/)

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