Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Let's try something new

I have always been the greatest fan of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Though I heard rants from geeks about its performance, it never gave me problems. I was fine with it. Though I used other browsers like opera and mozilla, that was for a very very short time. IE dragged me back into it's lap. And I felt OK.

Things have changed. Technology has improved. New tools arrived. Enthusiam for experimentation never died, and with all my recent assignments, it is headed for a smooth-north-bound-cruise :-) And I installed FireFox.

My first reaction, "Cool". First of all, I liked the real estate of the browser window (compared to the ever-crowded-IE). Google search integration is just great, I think. It not only saves space (I don't need to have a 'seperate google search bar' that used to clutter the browser), but also so convenient as it points to other search engines as well.

I liked the live book mark feature too. Of late, I have become an ardant fan of RSS feeds. I tried different ways of synchronizing the content, and finally settled with the Outlook plugin -- attensa (this also used to show on the IE toolbar -- too many buttons there). Adding RSS feeds now is so easy in Firefox. Great.

I think now I am going to continue with this newbie for the fore-seeable future :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should try a recent Opera for a spin. Firefox is way better than IE, but Opera is more clever than the fox. There is an article called "30 days to become an Opera 8 user" that shows much of what Opera can do.